The topic of the WEF 2025 summit in Davos is, as every year, climate communism.
How can we convert the free capitalist system as we know it today into a new kind of Marxism, communism based on emissions and consumption? With the aim (excuse) of saving the climate.
The craziest ideas are discussed.
For example, there is one in which they want to use every car as efficiently as possible via an app, with the example, you need a car today immediately and your neighbor's car is in the driveway, then you just jump into the neighbor's car.
Which means that the neighbor does not actually own it, cars will become a kind of loan model to be used via an app in the future.
On that app you must fill in what you need the car for, where you are going to drive, how long you will use the car, etc.
In other words, you own nothing and will be happy.
The digital euro has been discussed.
In time, cash will disappear completely, and you will have to indicate what you are doing, the transaction before you spend money.
Through the digital euro, they also want to impose quotas.
For example, meat consumption will be limited in the future, everyone will receive a quota, whether depending on your family or family composition.
Because you always pay by card, government can perfectly monitor your purchases and then decide on the moment whether you have reached your quota of meat.
If you have reached your quota, you must return the meat.
Ditto for milk, vegetables, and other items.
The ultimate intention is to keep an eye on everyone and to determine what you are allowed to consume according to the raw materials available according to WEF and emissions in the atmosphere.
You will no longer decide for yourself where you will work or what exactly you will do in life.
From the cradle, everything will be decided for you.
At an early age, IQ tests will be done at regular intervals, depending on your IQ, and considering any interests, it will be decided in which direction you will be steered academically and ultimately career wise.
Those who are lucky will get the less physical jobs; those who are unlucky will be working in a factory for the rest of their lives.
If in the future your job becomes obsolete there is a good chance that your line of family will stop to exist. If robots are developed that can take your place and they have no other use for you, you will live out your life, and your children if you have any.
But your children will be that last generation, because of birth planning your children will already be sterilized.
This WEF government wil look 50 years into the future considering if your children will have a right to live on the premise they are needed for the economy.
This policy also refers to birth control.
Depending on the need for new people, people want to decide how many children someone can have.
You'd better get pregnant young because the quota will also go according to age.
After your 30th, you might have bad luck and after your 40th it is already completely lost.
There is a particularly good reason only a very select group of people have been invited to Davos.
Some things make your hair stand up.
People try to get people under control through technology and fear.
The WEF will scare your children so much that the children wil hate the elders.
This we already see in activists like Greta Thunberg.
If enough people can be scared that the planet is in danger, then there is a real chance that they will get everyone under control.
Who remembers the pointing fingers during Corona?
People who did not wear a mask in public were pointed out, many were called out by ordinary citizens, and some were even attacked forced to wear masks.
Everyone had to install an app and prove that you were vaccinated, if not. No restaurant visits, no work etc...
Now extend this whole line to an app that registers how much you emit, what your CO² footprint is and considers everything you do, from your travels to your purchases, your work, your leisure time and even how often you have sex.
Abortion as birth control.
Anyone who has sex can make someone pregnant or become pregnant.
But what if the WEF that from an incredibly early age who will and who will not have children?
Those of the most prominent families have nothing to fear, beautiful, ugly, smart, stupid, because of the cradle in which they were born they will remain out of harm's way.
But everybody else, that will depend on who you are exactly, how handsome and smart you are and especially whether there is a need in the future or the existence of an extra child in society can be justified.
Most of us won't even notice, children will be sterilized at an early age, mostly men.
The aim is that women will then only produce children with the right man.
They will count on women's urge to have children to take over and thus leave men who cannot conceive children for men who can.
You think this is crazy?
Think again.
You name it, the WEF has thought of it.